Tag Archives: Child Development

Types of Freedom in a Montessori Classroom
During your days in Montessori teacher training in Silverado, California, freedom within limits is one of the concepts that will be instilled in you. This particular concept has the meaning of giving a child as much freedom as possible in learning...
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Freedom Within Limits: Ground Rules for a Montessori Classroom
A core concept in Montessori education is freedom within limits. What exactly is "freedom within limits"? With the words "freedom" and "limits" put together, why does it sound so contradictory? Moreover, if the children are without rules, will they...
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The Role of a Montessori Teacher
When you undergo Montessori teacher training in Silverado, California, you will be taught a lot of things regarding how to educate, guide, and nourish a child. This particular education method requires you to put your focus on ensuring that the...
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